Personal HomePage of Professor Bai Liang
Professor and doctoral supervisor with the school of system engineering, National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), Changsha, Hunan, China.
He received the B.E. and the B.M. degrees both from Xi’an Jiao Tong University in 2002 and the M.E. degree and the Ph.D. degree from National University of Defense Technology in 2005 and 2008, respectively. Now he is a professor in College of Systems Engineering, National University of Defense Technology.
His research interests include multimedia content analysis and access, particularly for video and images, big multimedia data, complex system modeling and network analysis. Dr. Bai is a member of the Chinese Computer Federation.
- Qi J, Bai L, Xiao Y, et al. The emergence of collective obstacle avoidance based on a visual perception mechanism[J]. Information Sciences, 2022, 582: 850-864.
- Li J, Guo Y, Lao S, et al. Few2Decide: towards a robust model via using few neuron connections to decide[J]. International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval, 2022, 11(2): 189-198.
- Li J, Guo Y, Lao S, et al. Towards a high robust neural network via feature matching[J]. International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval, 2021, 10(4): 227-237.
- Qi J, Bai L, Xiao Y, et al. Group Chase and Escape of Biological Groups Based on a Visual Perception-Decision-Propulsion Model[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 160490-160499.
- Ruan Y, Tang J, Hu Y, et al. Efficient algorithm for the identification of node significance in complex network[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 28947-28955.
- 胡艳丽, 白亮, 谭真, 等. 面向大数据人才培养的融合式教学模式[J]. 高等教育研究学报, 2020.
- Qi J, Bai L, Xiao Y. Social network-oriented learning agent for improving group intelligence coordination[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 156526-156535.
- 顾伟, 汤俊, 白亮, 等. 面向时间协同的多无人机队形变换最优效率模型[J]. 航空学报, 2019 (6): 192-200.
- Gu W, Tang J, Bai L, et al. Time synergistic optimal efficiency model for formation transformation of multiple UAVs[J]. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 2019, 40(6): 322599.
- Jia Y, Bai L, Liu S, et al. Semantically-enhanced kernel canonical correlation analysis: a multi-label cross-modal retrieval[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019, 78(10): 13169-13188.
- Guo Y, Liu Y, Lao S, et al. Bag of surrogate parts feature for visual recognition[J]. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2017, 20(6): 1525-1536.
- 白亮, 胡艳丽, 郑龙. 基于学习行为分析的混合式教学模式设计与实践[J]. 计算机工程与科学, 2018, 40(A01): 42-46.
- Jia Y, Bai L, Wang P, et al. Deep convolutional neural network for correlating images and sentences[C]//International Conference on Multimedia Modeling. Springer, Cham, 2018: 154-165.
- Wang J, Lao S, Huang S, et al. On the Robustness of No-Feedback Interdependent Networks[J]. Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(5): 835.
- Liu S, Bai L, Hu Y, et al. Image captioning based on deep neural networks[C]//MATEC Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences, 2018, 232: 01052.
- Jia Y, Bai L, Wang P, et al. Irrelevance reduction with locality-sensitive hash learning for efficient cross-media retrieval[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2018, 77(22): 29435-29455.
- Bai L , Jia Y , Wang H , et al. Cross-media retrieval based on locality-sensitive hashing and neural network algorithms[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology, 2018.
- 桂逸男, 老松杨, 康来, 等. 基于视觉的地理定位中 PnP 算法的精度评估方法[J]. 计算机科学, 2018, 45(8): 13-16.
- 白亮, 贾玉华, 王昊冉, 等. 基于局部敏感哈希算法和神经网络学习的跨媒体检索方法[J]. 国防科技大学学报, 2018, 40(1): 93-98.
- Yu T, Bai L, Guo J, et al. Deep convolutional neural network for bidirectional image-sentence mapping[C]//International Conference on Multimedia Modeling. Springer, Cham, 2017: 136-147.
- 刘爽, 白亮, 于天元, 等. 基于双向学习排序的跨媒体语义相似性度量方法[J]. 计算机科学, 2017, 44(Z6): 84-87, 118.
- Wei Q, Lao S, Bai L. Long-term visual tracking based on correlation filters[C]//AIP Conference Proceedings. AIP Publishing LLC, 2017, 1820(1): 060016.
- 阮逸润, 老松杨, 王竣德, 等. 一种改进的基于信息传播率的复杂网络影响力评估算法[J]. 物理学报, 2017, 66(18): 188901.
- 阮逸润, 老松杨, 王竣德, 等. 基于领域相似度的复杂网络节点重要度评估算法[J]. 物理学报, 2017, 66(3): 365-373.
- Yu T, Tang J, Bai L, et al. Collision avoidance for cooperative UAVs with rolling optimization algorithm based on predictive state space[J]. Applied Sciences, 2017, 7(4): 329.
- Yi-Run R, Song-Yang L, Jun-De W, et al. An improved evaluating method of node spreading influence in complex network based on information spreading probability[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2017, 66(20).
- 王竣德, 老松杨, 阮逸润, 等. 基于节点负载容忍度的相依网络鲁棒性研究[J]. 系统工程与电子技术, 2010, 39(11): 2477-2483.
- Wang J, Lao S, Ruan Y, et al. Research on the robustness of interdependent networks under localized attack[J]. Applied Sciences, 2017, 7(6): 597.
- Wang J , Lao S , Yirun R , et al. Research on robustness of interdependent networks based on load tolerance of nodes[J]. Systems Engineering and Electronics.
- Yi-Run R, Song-Yang L, Jun-De W, et al. Node importance measurement based on neighborhood similarity in complex network[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2017, 66(3).
- 老松杨, 王竣德, 白亮. 相依网络研究综述[J]. 国防科技大学学报, 2016, 38(1): 122-128.
- Yu T, Bai L, Guo J, et al. A deep two-stream network for bidirectional cross-media information retrieval[C]//Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia. Springer, Cham, 2016: 328-337.
- 魏全禄, 老松杨, 白亮. 基于相关滤波器的视觉目标跟踪综述[J]. 计算机科学, 2016, 43(11): 1-5.
- 白亮, 于天元, 刘湜, 等. 基于改进谱聚类方法的搜索引擎排序算法[J]. 计算机科学, 2016, 43(10): 220-224.
- Yi-Run R, Song-Yang L, Yan-Dong X, et al. Identifying influence of nodes in complex networks with coreness centrality: Decreasing the impact of densely local connection[J]. Chinese Physics Letters, 2016, 33(2): 028901.
- 白亮, 郭金林, 老松杨. 基于深度认知神经网络的跨媒体情报大数据智能处理技术[J]. 指挥与控制学报, 2016, 2(4): 345-349.
- Yi-Run R, Song-Yang L, Yan-Dong X, et al. Identifying influence of nodes in complex networks with coreness centrality: Decreasing the impact of densely local connection[J]. Chinese Physics Letters, 2016, 33(2): 028901.
- Kang L, Wei Y, Jiang J, et al. Rectification of curved document images based on single view three-dimensional reconstruction[J]. JOSA A, 2016, 33(10): 2089-2098.
- 魏巍, 老松杨, 康来, 等. 基于三维光场的静态场景前景分割[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2015, 41(7): 1330-1336.
- 侯绿林, 老松杨, 肖延东, 等. 复杂网络可控性研究现状综述[J]. 物理学报, 2015, 64(18): 481.
- Bai L, Xiao Y D, Hou L L, et al. Smart rewiring: Improving network robustness faster[J]. Chinese Physics Letters, 2015, 32(7): 078901.
- Xiao Y D, Lao S Y, Hou L, et al. Mitigation of malicious attacks on network observation[J]. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2015, 26(10): 1550108.
- Xiao Y, Lao S, Hou L, et al. Effects of edge directions on the structural controllability of complex networks[J]. PLoS One, 2015, 10(8): e0135282.
- Bai L, Xiao Y D, Hou L L, et al. Smart rewiring: Improving network robustness faster[J]. Chinese Physics Letters, 2015, 32(7): 078901.
- Hou L, Lao S Y, Xiao Y D, et al. Recent progress in controllability of complex network[J]. Wuli Xuebao/Acta Physica Sinica, 2015, 64(18): 0188901.
- Wei W, LAO S, KANG L, et al. 3D light fields based foreground segmentation in static scenes[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2015, 41(7): 1330.
- Xiao Y D, Lao S Y, Hou L L, et al. Optimization of robustness of network controllability against malicious attacks[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2014, 23(11): 118902.
- 邓志宏, 老松杨, 白亮. 基于预测误差修正的时序链路预测方法[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2014, 36(2): 325-331.
- 郭延明, 谢毓湘, 老松杨, 等. 相似视频片段的检测与定位方法研究[J]. 计算机科学, 2014, 41(10): 53-56.
- 邓志宏, 老松杨, 白亮, 等. 一种可扩展的 Cyber 空间作战体系描述模型[J]. 国防科技大学学报, 2014 (1): 184-190.
- Deng Z H, Lao S Y, Bai L. A temporal link prediction method based on link prediction error correction[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2014, 36(2): 325-331.
- Guo Y, Bai L, Lao S, et al. A Comparison between Artificial Neural Network and Cascade-Correlation Neural Network in Concept Classification[C]//Pacific rim conference on multimedia. Springer, Cham, 2014: 248-253.
- Xiao Y D, Lao S Y, Hou L L, et al. Edge orientation for optimizing controllability of complex networks[J]. Physical Review E, 2014, 90(4): 042804.
- Xiao Y D, Lao S Y, Hou L L, et al. Optimization of robustness of network controllability against malicious attacks[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2014, 23(11): 118902.
- 肖延东, 老松杨, 侯绿林, 等. 基于节点负荷失效的网络可控性研究[J]. 物理学报, 2013, 62(18): 180201.
- Yan-Dong X, Song-Yang L, Lu-Lin H, et al. Network controllability based on node overloaded failure[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2013, 62(18).
- 白亮, 肖延东, 侯绿林, 等. 基于控制环的作战网络对抗模型[J]. 国防科技大学学报, 2013, 35(3): 42-47.
- 肖延东, 老松杨, 侯绿林, 等. 一种基于网络最大可控子图的导航搜索模型[J]. 物理学报, 2013, 62(24): 248901.
- Yan-Dong X, Song-Yang L, Lu-Lin H, et al. A navigation search model based on subnet of maximum controllability[J]. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2013, 62(24).
- 邓志宏, 老松杨, 白亮. 基于多变元网络的 Cyber 作战建模方法[J]. 火力与指挥控制, 2013, 38(6): 63-67.
- Hu Y L, Bai L, Zhang W M. Discrete Opinion Dynamics on Online Social Networks[J]. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2013, 59(1): 53.
- Bai L, Xiao Y D, Hou L L. Operational Network Combat Model Based on Control Loop[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology, 2013, 35(3): 42-47.
- 郭延明, 老松杨, 白亮. 反射对尖劈吸波体吸波性能的影响[J]. 化工新型材料, 2013, 41(10): 75-78.
- 王昊冉, 老松杨, 白亮, 等. 基于 MEBN 的战术级空中目标意图识别[J]. 火力与指挥控制, 2012, 37(10): 133-138.
- 白亮, 老松杨, 谭东风. 工程硕士课程教学设计的几点思考[J]. 高等教育研究学报, 2012, 35(2): 75-76.
- Hou L L, Lao S Y, Liu G, et al. Controllability and directionality in complex networks[J]. Chinese Physics Letters, 2012, 29(10): 108901.
- 胡艳丽, 白亮, 张维明. 一种话题演化建模与分析方法[J]. 自动化学报, 2012, 38(10): 1690-1697.
- Hou L L, Lao S Y, Liu G, et al. Controllability and directionality in complex networks[J]. Chinese Physics Letters, 2012, 29(10): 108901.
- 白亮, 老松杨, 侯小强, 等. 一个知识辅助的视频语义概念探测框架[J]. 国防科技大学学报, 2012, 34(4): 90-94.
- Jiang B , Lao S , Liang B . Automatic line mark recognition and its application in camera calibration in soccer video. 2011.
- Bai L , Lao S , Hou X , et al. A knowledge-assisted framework for video semantic concept detection[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology, 2012, 34(4):90-94.
- 卜江, 老松杨, 白亮, 等. 一种基于球场模型的广播足球视频摄像机自动定标方法[J]. 自动化学报, 2012, 38(3): 321-330.
- 胡艳丽, 白亮, 张维明. 网络舆情中一种基于 OLDA 的在线话题演化方法[J]. 国防科技大学学报, 2012, 34(1): 150-154.
- Hu Y L, Bai L, Zhang W. OLDA-based method for online topic evolution in network public opinion analysis[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology, 2012, 34(1): 150-154.
- 卜江, 老松杨, 白亮, 等. 基于视频的心理暗示作战机理研究[J]. 装备指挥技术学院学报, 2011, 22(4): 119-123.
- 刘海涛, 老松杨, 郭金林, 等. 一种快速新闻视频标题字幕探测与定位方法[J]. 计算机应用研究, 2011, 28(8): 3148-3150.
- 王昊冉, 白亮, 老松杨. 基于图模型的足球视频语义建模方法[J]. 计算机科学, 2011, 38(6): 266-269,297.
- 卜江, 老松杨, 白亮, 等. 基于视频的心理战及其关键技术[J]. 火力与指挥控制, 2011, 36(12): 99-102.
- 卜江, 老松杨, 白亮. 一种体育视频中广告牌商标的实时识别算法[J]. 自动化学报, 2011, 37(4): 418-426.
- 刘海涛, 老松杨, 白亮, 等. 基于故事的新闻视频事件专题分析方法[J]. 国防科技大学学报, 2011, 33(5): 91-96.
- 白亮, 刘海涛, 老松杨, 等. 视频情报分析体系研究[J]. 火力与指挥控制, 2011, 36(6): 1-4.
- Bu J, Lao S Y, Bai L, et al. A Real-time Billboard Trademark Recognition Algorithm in Sports Video[J]. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2011, 37(4): 418-426.
- Liu H T, Lao S Y, Bai L, et al. News video event topic analysis based on stories[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology, 2011, 33(5): 91-96.
- 白亮, 老松杨, 刘海涛, 等. 基于 OWL 本体扩展的视频语义内容分析[J]. 国防科技大学学报, 2010 (2): 79-84.
- 白亮, 胡艳丽, 老松杨. 浅析提高本科毕业设计 (论文) 质量的对策[J]. 科教文汇, 2010 (5): 7-8.
- Bai L, Lao S Y, Liu H T, et al. Video semantic content analysis using extensions to OWL[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology, 2010, 32(2): 79-84.
- 侯绿林, 白亮, 老松杨. 一种压缩域中的体育视频慢镜头探测方法[J]. 计算机科学, 2009, 36(9): 283-286.
- Bai L, Lao S, Smeaton A F, et al. Semantic analysis of field sports video using a petri-net of audio-visual concepts[J]. The Computer Journal, 2009, 52(7): 808-823.
- Bu J, Lao S Y, Bai L, et al. Goalmouth detection in field-ball game video using fuzzy decision tree[C]//2009 Fifth International Conference on Image and Graphics. IEEE, 2009: 917-921.
- Bai L, Hu Y, Lao S, et al. Automatic summarization of rushes video using bipartite graphs[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2010, 49(1): 63-80.
- Bai L, Lao S, Zhang W, et al. Video semantic content analysis framework based on ontology combined MPEG-7[C]//International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007: 237-250.
- Bai L, Lao S Y, Liu H T, et al. Video shot boundary detection using petri-net[C]//2008 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. IEEE, 2008, 5: 3047-3051.
- Bai L, Lao S, Jones G J F, et al. Video semantic content analysis based on ontology[C]//International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP 2007). IEEE, 2007: 117-124.
- 老松杨, 刘海涛, 白亮, 等. 视频检索综述[J]. 收藏, 2006, 8.
- 白亮, 老松杨, 陈剑赟, 等. 音频自动分类中的特征分析和抽取[J]. 小型微型计算机系统, 2005, 26(11): 2029-2034.
- 白亮, 老松杨, 陈剑赟, 等. 基于支持向量机的音频分类与分割[D]. , 2005.
- 白亮, 老松杨, 胡艳丽. 支持向量机训练算法比较研究[J]. 计算机工程与应用, 2005, 41(17): 79-81.
- Hu Y L, Bai L, Zhang W M, et al. An adaptive scheduling algorithm for molecule docking design on grid[C]//International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2005: 312-322.
- Chen J, Li Y, Lao S, et al. Structuring soccer video based on audio classification and segmentation using hidden markov model[C]//International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2004: 98-105.